The Clean Coder Chapters 13 and 14

Chapter 13 is about teams and projects. It focuses on how work should be distributed through the team and how you actually need to work together as a team rather than focusing on your own problems. It is hard to build a good team, it is better to form persistent teams that move forward from one project to another. To start with, team members start by forming relationships. They learn others strengths and weaknesses and over time the team will start to “gel”. Personally i have experienced what it is like working on a team that doesn’t fit well together. It is a rough time and operations definitely don’t go as smoothly as they should. This is why it is important to have a good team that you are comfortable working with.

Chapter 14 is about mentoring, apprenticeships, and craftsmanship. While it is true that school can teach you the theory of programming, this does not mean that you know everything there is to know about it. School cannot teach the discipline, practice and skill of being a craftsman. The only way to acquire these skills is to practice and to gain them through work. A craftsman is a professional who works in an efficient quick way, and knows when to say no when necessary. This chapter helps put it into perspective what you need to do to become a master programmer. the only way to achieve this is to practice and learn through work experiences.

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